
Y5V – Y5V formulations are for general purpose use in a limited temperature range. They have a wide temperature characteristics of +22% -82% capacitance change over the operating temperature range of -30°C to +85°C.

Z5U – Z5U features include: small size, temperature range, low ESL, low ESR, and excellent frequency response.

01005: PPI-GMC01 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 16V 27 273 M, Z 16V 68 683 M, Z 16V
12 123 33 333 82 823
15 153 39 393 100 104
18 183 47 473
22 223 56 563


0201: PPI-GMC02 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V 68 683 M, Z 6.3V 470 474 M, Z 6.3V
12 123 82 823 560 564
15 153 100 104 560 564
18 183 120 124 680 684
22 223 150 154 820 824
27 273 180 184 1.0 uF 105
33 333 220 224 2.2 225
39 393 270 274 4.7 475
47 473 330 334
56 563 390 394


0402: PPI-GMC04 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 68 683 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 820 824 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V
12 123 82 823 1.0 uF 105 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V
15 153 100 104 2.2 225
18 183 150 154 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V 3.3 335 6.3V or 10V
22 223 220 224 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V 3.9 395
27 273 270 274 6.3V or 10V or 16V 4.7 475
33 333 390 394 10 106
39 393 470 474 22 226
47 473 560 564
56 563 680 684


0603: PPI-GMC10 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 82 823 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 1.0 uF 105 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V
12 123 100 104 2.2 225 6.3V or 10V or 16V
15 153 120 124 2.7 275 6.3V or 10V
18 183 150 154 3.3 335
22 223 220 224 3.9 395
27 273 270 274 4.7 475
33 333 330 334 10 106 6.3V or 10V or 16V
39 393 470 474 22 226 6.3V or 10V
47 473 560 564 47 476 6.3V
56 563 680 684
68 683 820 824


0805: PPI-GMC21 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 82 823 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 820 824 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V
12 123 100 104 1.0 uF 105
15 153 120 124 2.2 225
18 183 150 154 3.3 335
22 223 180 184 4.7 475
27 273 220 224 6.8 685 6.3V or 10V or 16V
33 333 270 274 10 106
39 393 330 334 22 226
47 473 470 474 47 476 6.3V or 10V
56 563 560 564
68 683 680 684


1206: PPI-GMC31 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 100 104 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 2.2 225 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V
12 123 120 124 3.3 335
15 153 150 154 4.7 475
18 183 180 184 6.8 685
22 223 220 224 10 106
27 273 270 274 22 226 6.3V or 10V or 16V
33 333 330 334 33 336 6.3V or 10V
39 393 470 474 47 476
47 473 560 684 68 686
56 563 680 684 100 107
68 683 820 824
82 823 1.0 uF 105


1210: PPI-GMC32 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
10 nF 103 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 100 104 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 2.2 225 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V
12 123 120 124 3.3 335
15 153 150 154 4.7 475
18 183 180 184 6.8 685
22 223 220 224 10 106
27 273 270 274 22 226
33 333 330 334 33 336 6.3V or 10V or 16V
39 393 470 474 47 476
47 473 560 564 68 686
56 563 680 684 100 107
68 683 820 824 220 227 6.3V
82 823 1.0 uF 105


1812: PPI-GMC43 Download PPI GMC Y5V/Z5U Datasheet
Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC Value Code Tol. Rated WVDC
47 nF 473 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 270 274 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V 4.7 475 M, Z 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V or 50V
56 563 330 334 6.8 685
68 683 470 474 10 106
82 823 560 564 22 226 6.3V or 10V or 16V or 25V
100 104 680 684 33 336 6.3V or 10V or 16V
120 124 820 824 47 476
150 154 1.0 uF 105 68 686 6.3V or 10V
180 184 2.2 225 100 107
220 224 3.3 335